A very warm welcome to you and your (expected) babies!
Prematurely born or high risk babies and their parents need special care and attention, preferably by knowledgeable and understanding people. That is why we would like to introduce ourselves to you, a parents association for premature and high risk babies in Hamburg, called ‚Frühstart‘ (early start).
The non-profit association Frühstart was founded in 1995 as a parents‘ initiative to help prematurely born and high risk babies and their parents in the General Hospital Heidberg. Most of our members are parents concerned but there are also doctors, therapists and pediatric nurses. Our group consists of parents who gave birth to premature or high risk babies in one of Hamburg’s hospitals. We were as helpless as you probably are today standing in front of the incubator, where our far too small, ill children were resting. To make your path easier we offer our experience and knowledge to assist you in this very difficult time. Should you need help, information or assistance, even if your child has already left the hospital, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We offer counseling and informal talks in the following hospitals
The non-profit association Frühstart was founded in 1995 as a parents‘ initiative to help prematurely born and high risk babies and their parents in the General Hospital Heidberg. Most of our members are parents concerned but there are also doctors, therapists and pediatric nurses. Our group consists of parents who gave birth to premature or high risk babies in one of Hamburg’s hospitals. We were as helpless as you probably are today standing in front of the incubator, where our far too small, ill children were resting. To make your path easier we offer our experience and knowledge to assist you in this very difficult time. Should you need help, information or assistance, even if your child has already left the hospital, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We offer counseling and informal talks in the following hospitals
- Asklepios Klinik Nord – Heidberg
- Asklepios Klinik Altona (Perinatal Centre Altona) / Altona Pedriatic Hospital
- Asklepios Klinik Barmbek
- Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf UKE (University Perinatal Centre)
- Katholisches Kinderkrankenhaus Wilhelmstift / Marienkrankenhaus (both Catholic Pediatric Hospitals)
- Albertinen-Krankenhaus
We will try to answer your questions, give „well tested tips“ and suggestions and are able to recommend aid agencies, experienced doctors and therapists. Additionally, we are organizing lectures and talks regarding premature birth and offer meetings for parents with or without children.
Our membership in the federal association ‚DAS FRÜHGEBORENE KIND e.V.‘ enables us to establish contacts all over Germany and make participation at expert conferences regarding premature babies possible.
We are looking forward to you.
Warmest regards,
Frühstart Elterninitiative für Früh- und Risikogeborene Hamburg e.V.